Advent is the time leading up to Christmas; it begins four Sundays before Christmas day. Advent
means coming...and so we celebrate the coming of Jesus for more than just
one day this season. It's a time we can also look forward to His second
coming...a time when as the hymn Joy to the World proclaims,
"No more let sins and sorrows grow, nor thorns infest the ground; He
comes to make His blessings flow, far as the curse is found".
Please see a list of Advent resources below for further study.
Come Let Us Adore Him by Paul David Tripp
Repeat the Sounding Joy by Christopher Ash
The Christmas Promise by Allison Mitchell (children)
The Littlest Watchman by Scott James (children)
The Advent of the Lamb of God by Russ Ramsey
Free Resources
Good News of Great Joy by John Piper
Advent Guide by The Village Church
He Will be a Crushing King by Jason Meyer (sermon)
Behold the Lamb of God by Andrew Peterson (music)
Sing! An Irish Christmas by Keith and Kristyn Getty (music)
Glory in the Highest by Shane and Shane (music)