Sherry Wilson serves as our preschool minister. She is a gift from the Lord for our preschoolers. Click here to email Sherry.

We believe it is important that every age group encounters Christ and His Word when on our campus. For preschoolers, we believe that even our bed babies should have Scripture read to them each week. Our older preschoolers are challenged with biblical teaching that includes music, art projects, and lots of movement.


We provide a strong Biblically based curriculum on a weekly basis. Preschoolers are able to learn Biblical truths with a "hands-on" approach. Bible study for babies through kindergarten begins at 9:00am in the Childhood Education Building (CEB). 


Childcare is provided during the 10:30 AM worship service for babies through kindergarten in the Childhood Education Building (CEB).

At all times, security is a primary concern for us. We keep our preschool area locked only allowing entrance through one set of security doors. Upon entering our children's building our director will walk you through our check-in and security procedures.

Children's ministry

The time to lay a solid foundation for Christ is while students are in 1st through 5th grade. We are striving to promote Biblical literacy, theological foundations, and service through our children's ministry. We believe parents should be equipped to lead their children and make the best "children's ministers. We also want to protect our children and require background checks on every adult who chaperones overnight trips with the children. We also believe banana splits and laughing is pretty important too!


We exist entirely for the purpose of giving glory to the name of Jesus our Lord. He is why we breathe, move, study, dance, laugh and live. We love God and love others in a way that leaves the world thirsty for Christ. The Bible is our lamp, scripture is our sword, Jesus is our savior, heaven is our home and holiness is our goal.


Our students meet once a month to have dinner together and then worship together through Christ-centered music, a Biblical message, prayer and fellowship.


Our mission statement (and the Bible) is clear that we are to make disciples of all nations. That begins in our faith family. Our students meet together weekly to learn how to love the Lord by living for Him.

small groups

Small Groups are based in what we know about the early church. In Acts 2:42-47 we find the church devoting itself to the teaching of the apostles, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. We see these Christians going to the temple together for worship and later gathering in one another’s homes. Since the church was growing rapidly, they later gathered into smaller groups to share a meal & fellowship together.

At CrossPoint we seek to model this biblical rhythm by gathering for worship on Sundays and hosting Small Groups during the week. These smaller gatherings allow us to deepen our relationships through intimate fellowship, prayer for each other and eating together.

These small groups also represent the front lines of CP's strategy for evangelizing our communities and making disciples throughout the Baton Rouge area. Each Small Group actively seeks out ministry opportunities in order to be the hands and feet of the Gospel through sharing the love of Jesus Christ.

All of our small groups discuss the sermon from Sunday and spend time in prayer. Some of them even share a meal together.

Our goal is to multiply these groups throughout the city so we might reach more people for Christ. If you are interested in beginning a new Small Group in your neighborhood, please contact the church office at 225.752.2400.

See our home groups below and pick one in your area! For an address or other information please call the church office at (225)752-2400.


5:00 PM - CrossPoint Campus (70817)

5:00 PM - Youth D-Groups - CrossPoint Campus (70817)


5:00 PM - CrossPoint Campus (70817)


Please join us for FREE ESL Classes!

[English as a Second Language]


Sundays from 5:00PM until 6:30PM



Classes Begin  //  Sunday, September 10, 2023

No Classes  //  TBA

Classes End  //  TBA

equipping weekenders

The purpose of our Equipping Weekenders is to train members of CrossPoint in specific areas of discipleship: Theology, Missions/Evangelism, Church History, Apologetics, Biblical Languages, Spiritual Formation, Relationships, Parenting, and Teaching/Mentoring. Our desire is for these weekenders to be intergenerational with youth and adults so that each can

profit from the other.

Check back here for info on our next upcoming weekender!

living nativity

Join us Saturday, December 2, 2023 as we share the story of Jesus' birth!


Here at CrossPoint, we believe in making disciples of all nations. We have ongoing mission opportunities each year in both Ecuador and Uganda. If you're interested in seeing how the Lord is working in our world, we'd love to have you! Contact us for more information about our yearly mission trips to Ecuador and Uganda.