What we do

Everything we do at Crosspoint comes one these four categories: Fellowship, Worship, Missions, and Equipping. (Matt 28: 19-20, Acts 2:42, Eph 4:12)

Sunday Morning Bible Study

Join us Sunday mornings at 9:00!

If you'd like to join a class, please contact the church office at 225.752.2400.

The focus of our Sunday Morning Bible Study is Biblical literacy. We will walk through books of the Bible as a community of believers each year - the books will be from both testaments and representative of different genres. Our desire is for disciples at CrossPoint to grow in the full counsel of God. We are currently studying the book of Psalms.

BIble Study Classes

Classes for all age groups are available!

  • Babies through kindergarten

    1st floor of the Childhood Education Building (CEB)

  • FIRSt through FIFTH grade

    2nd floor of the Childhood Education Building (CEB)


    Youth Room - Room 1 of Classroom Building 1 (CB1)

  • adult bible study

    2nd floor of Childhood Education Building (CEB)

  • Women's bible study

    Room 2 of Classroom Building 1

  • MILestones

    Fellowship Hall